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Inner Growth

When we are consumed by pain, whether for a day, a week or into years, we become like iron ore that is put into the furnace. The pain melts us and for a while renders us helpless, but as we burn away the dross, the innate and unhelpful, the meaningless thoughts and feelings get naturally dissolved out of us and we start to truly recognise what has meaning and substance in our lives, and we come out of the pain or painful situation naturally improved and refined in a way that no other life experience could give us.

Pain is a friend that none of us chooses, but a friend that every one of us needs, for when the iron ore is in this melted state, it is pliable and can be worked into something with substance, a gate, a blade, a chain or an anchor, each one of us has a different and varying role to play. Pain will eventually pave the way to a better more meaningful life. Every pain comes with a purpose, that purpose being inner growth.

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