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Love Never Ends...part 2

The grief we feel when a loved one departs from this world never shrinks or fades with time, we simply learn to grow and absorb the pain. I can liken it to the physical pain of arthritis, the pain is always there and we learn to live with it where sometimes it is sharp and at the forefront and sometimes it is muted and moves into the background. Even when we know that our loves one is in a better place, without pain, we still continue to miss their presence, and that is OK, tell yourself' it's OK to miss them', give yourself permission and let that emotion rise up and peak then feel it as it gently subsides .This is like stretching a muscle, and the more you do it the less painful it will become as that muscle expands and grows. What you are doing is expanding your love, giving yourself greater capacity to love. The hurt transmutes into compassion for others who are experiencing similar pain. This is part of our expansion, probably the hardest part of our evolution, but we make our deepest evolutionary steps when we are in deep physical or emotional pain. I know my words cannot ease the grief you feel but I hope they help you to understand that there is a purpose for feeling grief and that purpose is because it allows us to take a deep step forward on our journey towards total, unconditional love. Be kind to yourself when you feel grief clenching you, ask for love to wrap around you, to hold you and support you, it will happen, you will feel great love and rather like the peace we feel after crying, you will feel peace, so let go, let your emotions out and let love hold you while you grieve and while you begin to heal. Simply Let Love Grow.

19/03/23 by Annette

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